What is Tazkiya and Tehiya ?
Before going into details...a picture tells a thousand words...
Ulema have categorized total ehkam (awamir o nawahi /do's and dont's ) in five categories namely
1) Ehkam related to AQIDA {beliefs}
2) Ehkam related to IBADAT.{Namaj, roja, hajj ,jakat and others}
3) Ehkam related to MUAMALAT {Buying selling and other transactions}
4) Ehkam related to MUASHARAT { Social and household ettiquates}
5) Ehkam related to AKHLAKH { Internal thinkings }
The last one called Akhlakh is generally misunderstood as simply manners, but it has wider meanings...when we say someone behaves properly then we say he has very good Akhlakh, the statement is correct but it actually means that his batini akhlakh are good, whose result is the good manners with all..
difference between khalq and khulq....acting on deen is only possible by akhlakh and not mere ilm...
it is thinking that matters...
where akhlakh e hamida and rajila reside..
what is tazkiya? from what
what is tehliya ?
how tazkiya and tehliya changes the human behaviour.....
itat and abstaing from sins is possible by sabr.....
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